Sunday, September 12, 2021

Happy Hawaiian Holiday - day 8 - church in Maui, a little more about Hana


I attended the Sunday service at Trinity Church by the Sea Episcopal church. The islands are well populated with free range chickens. This guy was very vocal during the service, probably related to the cock that crowed after Peter's denial of Jesus. The Gospel reading from Mark 8 included, "...let them deny themselves and take up their cross," so there ya go.

This church holds services outdoors year round (see the altar in the center of the photo), which has helped during the pandemic. Maui is instituting new restrictions on gatherings this week, but institutions (restaurants, churches) are still at 50% capacity, so I think this won't impact the parish. The new restrictions are aimed at private gatherings, since most spread is "community spread" and generally not from tourists who jump through a few hoops to get to the Hawaii in the first place.

From day 7, here are a couple more photos from the Road to Hana tour. The first is a bamboo forest, and the second is from inside a lava tube, looking at the ceiling at lava stalactites, sort of like upside-down Hershey's Kisses. There were also stalagmites, but my photo is unclear. There are some living creatures in the tube, mostly insects. We saw a pretty cool cockroach, but I don't have a photo.

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