Friday, September 6, 2019

France day 5 of 17, Moulin Rouge and assundries

On day 5 in France, September 6, our main event was the show "Féerie" at the Moulin Rouge. The MR show is sort of like Cirque du Soleil, except MR has more song & dance (and female nudity) versus CdS which focuses on the acrobatics. There are some good acrobatics at MR, but not as extraordinary as CdS. There are male dancers, but they stay mostly dressed. The MR show's music was often disco-ish. This was a dinner show, and the food and wine were good. The show was crowded and the audience was cramped, and as usual I am always shocked that people pay to see these shows but can't figure out how to get through an hour and half without two trips to the rest room.

Here is the link in case the video doesn't play.

Near the Moulin Rouge we saw a uritrottoir, and we saw it in action. Seriously, the guy was there for more than a couple minutes (sorry, no photos). See this link about these outdoor, public urinals.

We have been using the Metro during the day. The locals warn tourists against the Metro at night. Some neighborhoods are OK, but of course, the point of the Metro is to move quickly and cheaply between neighborhoods. We have not had any trouble but we have witnessed some harassing behavior.

We have used Uber with no changes to my app. The cost is about 2/3 of a cab.

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