Saturday, January 11, 2025

Weather and astronomy on

My USA Weather Page is packed with information, but I made the choice to include the kitchen sink at the expense of a quick glance at highs and lows.

A 7-day forecast can be generated for any location in the 50 states, Washington, DC and Puerto Rico. Locations can be selected by town name, zip code or latitude/longitude. Many points of interest can be selected as well. For example, a forecast can be produced for the Washington Monument in Washington, CD, or Ala Wai Boat Harbor in Hawaii (that's the marina seen in the opening credits of the Gilligan's Island TV show).

Current weather observations are also shown, including weather maps and notes about the closest and strongest earthquakes within 200 miles during the previous 24 hours. Forecasts and current conditions include EPA air quality indexes.

Forecasts show predictions for every hour of the 7-day period. This includes temperatures, rain and snow amounts, wind speeds, wave heights when appropriate, and visibility. For example, visibility will be lower on a foggy day than on a clear day.

But that's not all! The sunrise and sunset times are shown along with the phase of the moon. When appropriate, the forecast will show expected equinoxes, solstices, lunar and solar eclipses, and whether a meteor shower is at its peak. For solar eclipses, the visibility of the eclipse will be partial or total or annular depending on the location of the forecast.

Data originate mainly with US government sources such as the national weather service. See the acknowledgments at the end of your forecast!

Interestingly, celestial events such as eclipses or equinoxes cannot be exactly calculated. Consider a "full moon". When looking at the moon, what we see is the illumination of the moon's surface by the sun. As the moon rotates around the earth, the part of the moon facing the earth is different than the part of the moon facing the sun. An observer on the sun would always see a full moon (except when the earth gets in the way). But an observer on the earth is looking at the moon from a different angle; part of what we see is illuminated by the sun, and part is not, so we see a crescent, or a circle, or nothing at all. A "full moon" occurs when the sun shines past the earth and illuminates the who visible portion of the moon, and the times when this occurs can be predicted. By the way, the sun is big enough that the shadow of the earth usually does not fall on the moon, but once in a while, the moon is eclipsed by the earth's shadow.

My point in the previous paragraph is that the earth and moon are constantly in motion, relative to the sun. The maximum illumination of the moon each lunar cycle only lasts for an instant. We can predict that instant, but minor perturbations in orbits and revolutions and gravity and light waves can cause our calculations to be "off" by a fraction of a second. In addition, any arithmetic measurement is finite, but that instant of max illumination is infinitely short, then the moon moves. In other words, we can only "predict" a phase of the moon. We can be accurate enough that humans can't "see" the tiny errors in our calculations or the tiny changes in illumination as time progresses.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The Youtube WFH playlist!

The Youtube WFH playlist!

Acoustic, folk, pop/rock, standards, to play while working from home. No death metal. Hopefully a surprise or two! Alphabetical by song name. Occasional profanity.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

United Airlines employee racism in Athens

Susan and I flew United Airlines flight 423 from Athens to Chicago on June 17. Ahead of us in the baggage check-in line was a group of 25 teenagers and chaperones (coincidentally booked on UA423). UA averaged five minutes per teen to scan a passport and check a bag. No others were scrutinized to this extent; when Susan and I reached the counter, it took us only a minute. The delay with the teens bogged down baggage check-in for 40 minutes, causing some customers to be late enough that they may have missed their flights. Later, the departure seating area had an additional passport check and security desk. Most customers were passed in easily, but not those unfortunate teens. Their carry-ons were opened and their bodies were scanned with security wands. This scrutiny was performed by uniformed United Airlines personnel, not the police. This scrutiny was undoubtedly due to the brown color of the skin of most of the teens. The teens behaved impeccably; they endured demeaning and unnecessary bureaucratic and physical mistreatment, then moved along with straight faces to the next racist UA employee.

UA owes an apology to the teen group and a mitigation plan to avoid employee racism worldwide.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Santorini, Greece wrapup

June 15, Santorini, Greece.

We finally got to see the perfect sunset, right from the walkway outside our room.

We have another day to have dinner in the village of Oia, then flying back home on June 17.

The islands are nice with good food and great views, but you can't really walk anywhere unless you get a room in a village. But in most cases, the resort class properties with views or beaches are not in the villages, so you have to find transportation to get anywhere. There is public transportation, which we have not tried, but the crowds and traffic can be very heavy, so it's a lot easier to get a driver. Uber seems to be available from our hotel, but we have used pre-booked drivers on Santorini or a service booked by our hotel.

Here is a view from the Santo winery near Pyrgos. This is supposedly the premier winery in Greece. I bought six bottles with shipping to the USA, about 200 euros.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Clouds? What clouds?

June 13, we are on the island of Santorini. Back on Mykonos, there's Susan with the moon. We have not seen a cloud since arriving in Greece, day or night. Our sunset cruise was very nice, but the horizon was very hazy. This is usually due to African dust across the Mediterranean. As far as I know, pollution is low, even in Athens.

However, the Greeks do like to drive, even at 2 euros per liter on the islands, i.e., $8 per gallon. A lot of that is tourism-related, but still, that's expensive.

Tomorrow we will visit some of the sites of Santorini. Everyone keeps telling us that the sunsets are the best on Santorini, but with the haze, I don't think we will try to get on the water for a sunset.

Yesterday's ferry ride from Mykonos was very exciting. The boat was to stop at Naxos first, but there was some sort of mechanical problem and all passengers had to disembark. On the ferries, customers drag in their luggage and dump it off in a common cargo area. When disembarking, you hope you can find you luggage again. We were dropped off at the Naxos port in the blazing sun for two hours until the replacement boat arrived.

The seating areas on the ferries are very nice, and this sort of mass public transportation is efficient and relatively inexpensive, but it is physically demanding and chaotic to board and exit with suitcases and carry-ons. Our hotel transfers to and from the ports have been pre-arranged (relatively expensive, but better than trying to get a bus or taxi on the spot).

Here is the Naxos port and Santorini:

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Now THAT'S a view!

June 7 - we spent our last full day in Athens walking around the shopping districts, and then took a Greek cooking class.

Jube 8 - we have arrived on Mykonos. This is the balcony of our hotel room.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

In the footsteps of Paul in Corinth, Greece

Thursday, June 6 - CORINTH! Today provided me with a meaningful historical and spiritual experience. Susan and I visited Corinth, just west of Athens.

The Bible is full of events that should be historically verifiable through independent research, but the Bible stories often don't hold up to that scrutiny. However, some stories do match the independently known historical context. Whether one objectively believes the story of the crucifixion of Jesus, we can date it to the time Pontius Pilate was the governor of Judea, up to about 37 CE. Following that event, the Bible provides stories of Paul (author of much of the New Testament). Paul traveled the known civilized world to gain followers of a died and risen Jesus.

There is little doubt that Paul existed as a real person. The Romans kept good records, and Paul was born a Roman citizen to wealthy parents. Many details of Paul's life cannot be verified, and there are discrepancies between the Bible and the historical record, but this is true for almost any major ancient figure, including those with no connection to the Bible.

In the Book of Acts, chapter 18, verse 12 (Acts 18:12), it is written, "But when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews made a united attack on Paul and brought him before the tribunal." (NRSV)

We independently know that Gallio served as proconsul 51-52 CE. At that time in Corinth, when a person was brought before the tribunal, that person was brought to a specific, centralized spot in the business district referred to as a "bema", which is a stone platform used by orators (top photo where the white stones are sticking up, right of center). The person being questioned would stand on the bema where citizens could watch from all sides.

Paul's mission was to spread the story of Jesus, and Paul (according to the Bible) was handed a monumental opportunity to do that, on a platform in the middle of town with the leaders in attendance. When questioned by the Roman authorities, Paul preached his little heart out. The Romans took no further action since Paul was not advocating insurrection against Roman authority.

Today, this bema is now ruined but partially visible. The ancient Corinthian ruins are surprisingly open to foot traffic within an enclosed area of a museum property, and I was able to stand on the bema, on the ancient platform where Paul would have stood. This was even cooler than standing in Sun Studio on the spot where Elvis recorded for the first time.

June 15 - In 2 Cor 5:10, Paul writes, "For all of us must appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense for what has been done in the body, whether good or evil."

Some people read this in a way that suggests it was Gallio the Roman proconsul who stood on the bema in order to judge someone brought before him. The bema is rectangular, so it makes sense that Gallio and his advisors would be on the bema, judging someone standing just below them. Many commentators equate "bema" with "tribunal". However, I think this is quite incorrect; the bema is the stone platform, and Acts 18:12 does not say where the human judges who comprised the tribunal stood or sat, only that Paul was brought before the tribunal.

Adjustments 19 Aug 2024:
Acts 18:12 - "...the Jews made a united attack on Paul and brought him before the tribunal."
2 Cor 5:10 - "For all of us must appear before the judgement seat of Christ..."

OK, let' get into the weeds. Both verses use the Greek word βῆμα , anglicized as Bema. In most Biblical usages, this refers to a judgement seat used by a local leader or ultimately by Jesus. However, various commentaries (see and note that classical Greek uses this to refer to an orator's pulpit. Did I stand on a platform from which the Corinthian tribunal questioned Paul (who would have been standing on the ground in front of and below the platform), or did I stand on the pulpit from which Paul preached during his months in Corinth?  Was Paul placed on a high platform to be questioned, where Paul would be exposed to, say, stones thrown by a mob?

The typical interpretation of Acts 18 is that the tribunal did not begin the questioning with a negative view of Paul. Paul was not on trial. The tribunal was acting on complaints from townsfolk, but the Roman leaders were aware Paul was, in fact, an educated Roman citizen, although Jewish and potentially against Roman occupation. One can easily believe Paul was brought forth casually in front of the tribunal with little concern for a violent outcome or criminal conviction. It is unlikely the tribunal was setting Paul up for mob justice, and the tribunal found no official fault in Paul's actions or speech.

However, one can also believe that over the course of Paul's time in Corinth, he preached from the platform. That would explain the use of that particular Greek word, bema. It would be just like the Bible to present such a paradox: Paul was questioned in front of his own pulpit.

The Gospels often describe scenes in which Pharisees and others begin to question Jesus in an adversarial way, but Jesus shows the fault in the others' logic. The Gospel texts were written after Paul's visit to Corinth, but Paul would likely have heard such stories from Peter and other disciples.